Shari Lawrence Pfleeger (Dartmouth College, USA) - 13 October 2015 Leveraging Human Behavior to Reduce Cyber Security Risk
Nobukazu Yoshioka (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) - 18 June 2015 (OU) & 29 June 2015 (Lero)
Engineering Adaptive Privacy Revisited: Way to Preserve Users' Freedom
John Mylopoulos (University of Trento, Italy) - 1 May 2015 Designing Adaptive Software Systems: A Requirements Engineering Perspective
Alan Dix (University of Birmingham, UK) - 23 April 2015 Tales of Identity and Regret
Jan Jurjens (TU Dortmund, Germany) - 28 April 2015 Beyond One-Shot Security: Towards a Secure Software Evolution
Anne Wright (Carnegie Mellon University) - 17 June 2014 Self-tracking versus other-tracking: Reflections from the BodyTrack project
Dr Anya Skatova (University of Nottingham, UK) - 27 March 2014 What is your data worth to you?: "Investigating" perceived risk and subjective value of personal data
Prof. Harold Thimbleby (University of Swansea, UK) - 30 January 2014 Human Error is not the Problem
Dr. Armstrong Nhlabatsi (Qatar University, Qatar) - 27 January 2014 Adaptive Information Security in the Cloud
Chris Bailey and Dr. Rogerio de Lemos (University of Kent, UK) - 2 December 2013 Self-Adaptive Authorisation Infrastructures
Dr Shareeful Islam (University of East London, UK) - 17 January 2013 Evaluating Cloud Deployment Scenarios Based on Security and Privacy Requirements
Julian Harty (UK) - 29 November 2012 Mobile analytics for software quality engineering: an industrial perspective
Dr Liliana Pasquale (Lero, Ireland) - 22 November 2012 An Asset-Centric Approach for Engineering Adaptive Security
Cyber Security and Human Behaviour - 4-5 October 2015, Doha, Qatar. The workshop explored the interdisciplinary research opportunities that combined cyber security with economics & business, law & regulation, and pschology & the social sciences. Professor Mark Levine (University of Exeter, UK) gave a keynote address.
Engineering Adaptive Software Systems (EASy 2015) - 6-10 September 2015, Shonan Village, Japan. Bashar Nuseibeh co-chaired the third edition of this workshop series, together with Prof. Tetsuo Tamai (Hosei University, Japan) and Prof Hausi Muller (University of Victoria, Canada).Other member of our group - Drs. Amel Benacceur, Lionel Montrieux, and Yijun Yu - also gave presentations.
Engineering Adaptive Systems - 8-10 April 2015, Bra, Italy. This years's joint OU-NII-Lero Workshop for researchers from The Open University, NII and Lero was expanded to include a number of additional "NII Partners", including our hosts Politecnico di Milano, Imperial College London, Peking University and University of Buenos Aires. Dr Alessandra Russo (Imperial College London) gave a keynote presentation and Shahar Maoz (Tel Aviv University) gave an invited talk.
Software Systems Engineering for Smart Cities - 20-21 April 2014, MASDAR Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE. This years's joint OU-NII-Lero Workshop for researchers from The Open University, NII and Lero was hosted by the MASDAR Institute in MASDAR City, Abu Dhabi, UAE. MASDAR City is an ongoing project to build a futuristic "smart city", with the Institute providing a local, focused research effort to contribute to this vision. We are joined this year by Professors Carlo Ghezzi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and Sebastian Uchitel (University of Buenes Aires, Argentina).
Adaptive Security and Privacy for a Smart World - 30 June - 2 July 2013, Windsor, UK Joint OU-NII-Lero Workshop for researchers from The Open University, NII and Lero to meet and discuss their work and explore avenues for future collaboration. With the proliferation of ubiquitous computing, it is increasingly important that software engineering research addresses the challenges of building systems that are cognisant of the changing needs of users, of the changing threats to user assets, and of the changing relationships between them.